Here you can see any updates and new additions to the theme.
- 18th July 2023
- UPDATE: Bootstrap from 4.5.2 to 5.2.3
- UPDATE: FontAwesome to 6.4.0
- UPDATE: AOS to 2.3.4
- UPDATE: Imagesloaded to 5.0.0
- UPDATE: jquery to 3.7.0
- UPDATE: jquery.mb.vimeo_player to 1.2.0
- UPDATE: jquery.mb.ytplayer to 3.3.8
- UPDATE: popper.js to 1.16.1
- UPDATE: prismjs to 1.29.0
- UPDATE: typed.js to 2.0.16
- UPDATE: gulp-css to 1.1.2
- UPDATE: sass to 1.63.6
- UPDATE: browser-sync to 2.29.3
- UPDATE: @babel/core to 7.22.9
- UPDATE: @babel/preset-env to 7.22.9
- UPDATE: All plugins in assets are coming from npm packages from now on and copied to the vendor folder.
- INFO: We made a decision to keep jQuery, as most of the plugins are jQuery-based.
- ENHANCE: Based on Bootstrap migration guide we updated class names, some utilities and variables. More information on page.
- INFO: We kept the card-deck and card-column card types.
- 10th Sept 2020
- UPDATE: Bootstrap version updated from v.4.5.0 to 4.5.2
- UPDATE: Gulp version updated from v3.9.1 to v4.0.2
- UPDATE: Tool updates for development: @babel/core, @babel/preset-env, browse-sync, postcss-flexbugs-fixes
- ADD: gulp-copy development tool
- REMOVE: run-sequence development tool
- CHANGE: Generated dist folder's structure. Now it contains the pages and assets folders. Also inside the dist folder theme.css and theme.js files are minified, so don't need to modifiy any paths in the html files to point to dist folder.
- 18th May 2020
- UPDATE: Bootstrap version updated from v4.4.1 to v.4.5.0
- UPDATE: jQuery version updated from v3.3.1 to v3.5.1
- UPDATE: Font Awesome version updated from v5.12.0 to v5.13.0
- UPDATE: Rellax version updated from v1.10.0 v1.12.1
- UPDATE: Tool updates for development: @babel/core, @babel/preset-env, bluebird, del, gulp-autoprefixer, gulp-clean-css, gulp-csscomb, gulp-plumber, gulp-rename, gulp-sass, gulp-sourcemaps, gulp-uglify, postcss-css-variables, postcss-flexbugs-fixes
- UPDATE: Move browsers list to .browserslistrc file
- FIX: Modal menu layout on Internet Explorer browser
- 20th December 2019
- UPDATE: Bootstrap version updated from v4.3.1 to v4.4.1
- UPDATE: Font Awesome version updated from v5.7.2 to v5.12.0
- UPDATE: jquery.mb.YTPlayer version updated from v3.2.9 to v3.2.10
- UPDATE: Popper.js version updated from v1.14.4 to v1.16.0
- UPDATE: Rellax version updated from v1.7.1 to v1.10.0
- UPDATE: Typed.js version updated from v2.0.9 to v2.0.10
- 26th March 2019
- NEW: Faq page
- NEW: Pricing page
- NEW: Careers page
- NEW: Careers Single page
- UPDATE: Documentation layout
- UPDATE: Carosuel with additional title
- UPDATE: FancyBox version updated from v3.5.6 to v3.5.7
- UPDATE: jquery.mb.YTPlayer version updated from v3.2.8 to v3.2.9
- UPDATE: jquery.mb.vimeo_player version downgraded from v1.1.8 to v1.1.7
- FIX: Shifted boxes layout tweaks on smaller screens
- 25th February 2019
- UPDATE: Bootstrap version updated from v4.2.1 to v4.3.1
- UPDATE: Font Awesome version updated from v5.6.3 to v5.7.2
- UPDATE: jQuery.mb.YTPlayer version updated from v3.2.2 to v3.2.8
- FIX: Navbar position on smaller screens
- FIX: Editable svg logos
- 8th January 2019
- UPDATE: Bootstrap version updated from v4.1.3 to v4.2.1
- UPDATE: FancyBox version updated from v3.5.2 to v3.5.6
- UPDATE: Font Awesome version updated from v5.4.2 to v5.6.3
- 3rd December 2018
- FIX: Wrong scss source path in Documentation
- 28th November 2018
- NEW: Landing page
- NEW: Sing In page
- NEW: Sign Up page
- NEW: Account Recovery page
- NEW: Social Media button colors defined in Sass variable
- ENHANCE: Animations are delayed until Preloader is finished
- FIX: Page content movement when FancyTab opens
- FIX: Shifted boxes on the Services demo page in IE 10
- FIX: Global border-radius value set back to default and set to 0 for buttons, inputs, alert, list-groups, badges, cards, modal views
- 21st November 2018
Initial release.